Tuesday, February 3, 2009

OCD and The NOW

I’m sitting here thinking about all the time I’ve wasted due to OCD. It may add up to years. I’ve spend endless hours ritualizing, ruminating, worrying about the past and the future. How much of the present has been lost? Can it ever be recovered?

I must realize that the past is done and can’t be undone. I must realize the gift of the Present, the NOW. That is all there really is anyway. What’s good about that is that there is always a fresh NOW to become involved in. Right NOW is the best time in life to change the future. What we do NOW sets up the future. We can have hope, we do have choices. This applies to OCD as well as everything else.

One of the things that help my OCD is focusing on the moment I am in. I notice everything around me such as the sounds, the smells, and I try to see beauty in whatever I am looking at. I realize the abundance, not the lack. If you are mindful and grateful for what you do have, you won’t be so focused on what is wrong. Also, focusing on NOW takes away the worry about what may be. I will be writing more about this in future blogs.

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